Item #2024-03
Sea Spray, 35 ½” Seaworthy Pond Boat
The Sea Spray is the largest of the line of boats made by the JACRIM Company under the Seaworthy label. Made during the late 1920's, this large hull was carved from solid redwood and hollowed out for fast sailing. Mimicking the America's Cup J boats of the 1920s, this hull carries a tall mast and Marconi main sail. The deep keel and heavy lead weight ensured speed in a good wind.
After many years of heavy use, this hull was found quite weathered but still had the maker's decals on the deck and on the bow of the hull. Carefully restored to preserve the original decal, the hull and keel have been repainted in original colors. The mast was reproduced in two pieces with a brass spreader. This was typical of the time allowing for easy packing and storage. The rudder is also a reproduction. With a display height of 60” (5 feet), this boat is dramatic in a large area.
Sea Spray, 35 ½” Seaworthy Pond Boat
The Sea Spray’s hull is 35 ½” long and 7 ½” wide with a deck to keel base of … The mast is 46” off the deck and made in two pieces with a brass coupler and a brass spreader. The boom is 21 ½” long and the overall height of the boat, including stand is 60”. The keel is very heavy and about 10 pounds. This was a very popular boat for sailing in park ponds and usually is found very used.
Note: This boat hull is at least 90 years old. Because of its age, I do not recommend placing it in the water for any length of time. I cannot accept returns for damage to hull or sails from water.